Saturday, August 27, 2016

North of the 55th Parralel

It takes 2 flights to get this far and it is the far north.  My first plane took me to Winnipeg with hours till the next flight.  Seriously, I arrived at 11:30 and my I had till 7:15 till I boarded the next flight.  Of  course I had planned and the bus at the front door of the airport takes 15 minutes to the big mall with a cost of $2.15 for seniors.  Stopped and had lunch and took my time wandering around and made a couple of purchases. Mostly the same chain stores but a few smaller individual stores which are always more interesting

Caught the bus back to the terminal with time to spare and had a bite to eat.  "Calm Air". The only airline that flies up her has a row of single seats which you would see on a bus. The other side has double seats so of course I took the single with the window.  Manitoba certainly is the province of  a 1000 lakes which I could see from my seat on the plane

Arrival at 9 that evening was like landing at Malton 60 years ago .........steps off the plane and into a small building and pick up your suitcase.   Into the car and here in less than 10 minutes

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